Much time and space has passed! How strange to now be living in Venice, FL after having spent some 44 years in Minneapolis. It is a whole new world, in almost every way. I'm now preparing a painting for an "abstract" show in Englewood - the first time I've painted since giving up the studio on Central Ave. The new painting space is a single room in the beautiful house of the McMurray (Stephanie's sister Melanie's family), also in Venice. It's nice to be painting again - very centering and validating. And so the journey begins anew. I think of the unnumbered Tarot card, "The Fool," where he is stepping off a cliff as a little dog jumps up to greet him. C'est moi.
Not such a good photo but it gives you an idea... Size is 30" x 36" The painting is still a work in progress - underway.