Much time and space has passed! How strange to now be living in Venice, FL after having spent some 44 years in Minneapolis. It is a whole new world, in almost every way. I'm now preparing a painting for an "abstract" show in Englewood - the first time I've painted since giving up the studio on Central Ave. The new painting space is a single room in the beautiful house of the McMurray (Stephanie's sister Melanie's family), also in Venice. It's nice to be painting again - very centering and validating. And so the journey begins anew. I think of the unnumbered Tarot card, "The Fool," where he is stepping off a cliff as a little dog jumps up to greet him. C'est moi.
Not such a good photo but it gives you an idea... Size is 30" x 36" The painting is still a work in progress - underway.
TM, I'm glad to see you're still creating art and music. So much life has happened since I saw you last around the time your band debuted at 'Barbie and Ken's' wedding at the VFW on Lake Street. How interesting that you now live in Venice and we bought a house in Sarasota last year. Would love to catch up with you sometime. Sorry to leave this as a comment on your blog but I didn't see an email address here for you.
ReplyDeleteKathy E.